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Član broj: 28980
Poruke: 200

+744 Profil

icon Re: Cunami Opustošio Obalu Japana28.03.2011. u 18:46 - pre 160 meseci
Ma moglo je na milion stvari da se utice... zasto su bas morali da je grade na obali? Sigurno su mogli da je izgrade u unutrasnjosti ostrva - i cela stvar bi bila mnogo bezbednija. Ipak to je zemlja sa istorijom cunamija...
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 50706
Poruke: 394

+334 Profil

icon Re: Cunami Opustošio Obalu Japana29.03.2011. u 00:06 - pre 160 meseci
a1200: Ma moglo je na milion stvari da se utice... zasto su bas morali da je grade na obali? Sigurno su mogli da je izgrade u unutrasnjosti ostrva - i cela stvar bi bila mnogo bezbednija. Ipak to je zemlja sa istorijom cunamija...

Pretpostavljam zbog hladjenja da je izgradjena na obali... ne vidim drugi razlog.
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 28980
Poruke: 200

+744 Profil

icon Re: Cunami Opustošio Obalu Japana29.03.2011. u 00:18 - pre 160 meseci
Nisam siguran... ali mislim da morska voda ne sme da se koristi jer korodira metal.
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 649
Poruke: 12851

+4785 Profil

icon Re: Cunami Opustošio Obalu Japana29.03.2011. u 09:19 - pre 160 meseci
Ali se odnekud treba dobijati voda za preradu da bi se dobila ona koja je adekvatna za hladjenje. More je najsigurniji izvor vode, tesko da ce presusiti ili promeniti tok :)
Odgovor na temu

Miljan Mitrović
Profesorkin muz
Passau, Deutschland

Član broj: 17944
Poruke: 6042

+4631 Profil

icon Re: Cunami Opustošio Obalu Japana29.03.2011. u 09:42 - pre 160 meseci
Spoljna voda se u svim termo-elektranama koristi za hladnjenje/kondenzaciju iz drugog ili treceg stepena. Stepen iskoriscenja termo elektrani je oko 1:4 do 1:3 (Za 1GWe generise se oko 3-4GWt (termicke) energije) pa sav visak toplote mora da ode negde. Posto to hladjenje zahteva poprilicne kolicine vode elektrane se grade pored vecih izvora kao sto su vece reke, jezera ili mora/okeani. I nas TENT vuce vodu iz Dunava, krsko vuce vodu iz Save. Tamo gde je morska voda koriste se drugacije legure koje ne korodiraju. Kad bi gradio elektranu van tokova vode morao bi da budes ogranicen na vazdusno hladjenje sto bi em poskupelo proizvodnju zbog masivnih sistema za vazdusno haldnjenje em ogranicilo izlaznu snagu elektrane

Sloba je za 12 godina promenio antropološki kod srpskog naroda. On je od jednog naroda koji je bio veseo, pomalo površan, od jednog naroda koji je bio znatiželjan, koji je voleo da vidi, da putuje, da upozna,
od naroda koji je bio kosmopolitski napravio narod koji je namršten, mrzovoljan, sumnjicav, zaplašen, narod koji se stalno nešto žali, kome je stalno neko kriv… - Z.Đinđić
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 17332
Poruke: 3042

+165 Profil

icon Re: Cunami Opustošio Obalu Japana29.03.2011. u 11:53 - pre 160 meseci
TOKYO – Japan's prime minister insisted Tuesday that the country was on "maximum alert" to bring its nuclear crisis under control, but the spread of radiation raised concerns about the ability of experts to stabilize the crippled reactor complex.


Police said more than 11,000 bodies have been recovered, but the final death toll is expected to exceed 18,000. Hundreds of thousands remain homeless, their homes and livelihoods destroyed. Damage could amount to $310 billion — the most expensive natural disaster on record, the government said.


An AP investigation following the tsunami found that TEPCO officials had dismissed scientific evidence and geological history that indicated that a massive earthquake — and subsequent tsunami — was far more likely than they believed.

izvor i ostatak
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Član broj: 4832
Poruke: 2066

+419 Profil

icon Re: Cunami Opustošio Obalu Japana29.03.2011. u 11:54 - pre 160 meseci

Strašno. Svi obraćaju pažnju samo na nuklearke a i voda je takođe napravila veliku štetu .
Odgovor na temu

Ivan Dimkovic

Ivan Dimkovic
Član broj: 13
Poruke: 16696

+7181 Profil

icon Re: Cunami Opustošio Obalu Japana29.03.2011. u 12:32 - pre 160 meseci


More than 10,000 people have died in the Japanese tsunami and the survivors are cold and hungry. But the media concentrate on nuclear radiation from which no-one has died - and is unlikely to.

Lepo sumira celu ovu ludnicu oko radijacije i medija :(
DigiCortex (ex. SpikeFun) - Cortical Neural Network Simulator: Videos: Gallery:
PowerMonkey - Redyce CPU Power Waste and gain performance! -
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Tyler Durden
Tyler Durden

Član broj: 4312
Poruke: 3379

+1365 Profil

icon Re: Cunami Opustošio Obalu Japana29.03.2011. u 13:12 - pre 160 meseci
Mediji danas, u svijetu i kod nas, su takvo smeće da je to zastrašujuće.
Beneath civilization's fragile crust, cold chaos churns...
Odgovor na temu

milivoje t

Član broj: 230055
Poruke: 270

+726 Profil

icon Re: Cunami Opustošio Obalu Japana29.03.2011. u 14:21 - pre 160 meseci
Svakog coveka najvise brine sopstveno dype. Dogadjaj koji moze da utice na nase dype ima veci prioritet od onih sto se ne ticu naseg dypeta.
Sto je dogadjaj citaniji, to vise prodaje novine. Sto vise prodaje novine, bolje hrani dypeta vlasnika novina. Krug je zatvoren.

Odgovor na temu

Nenad Andrić

Član broj: 122526
Poruke: 27

+16 Profil

icon Re: Cunami Opustošio Obalu Japana29.03.2011. u 16:40 - pre 160 meseci
WTF!? Sad je Homer Sipmson kriv?!
Odgovor na temu

Igor Gajic

Član broj: 93194
Poruke: 747

+987 Profil

icon Re: Cunami Opustošio Obalu Japana29.03.2011. u 18:58 - pre 160 meseci

Nije Homer nista kriv, samo malo cenzure u demokratiji. Da se narod ne talasa oko nuklearki....
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 15355
Poruke: 2658

+363 Profil

icon Re: Cunami Opustošio Obalu Japana29.03.2011. u 19:27 - pre 160 meseci
Niko da objavi koliko je radnika umrlo od radijacije. Nemoguce da su svi zivi...
Use Your Mind. Or someone else will.
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 115774
Poruke: 1656

+920 Profil

icon Re: Cunami Opustošio Obalu Japana29.03.2011. u 20:35 - pre 160 meseci
mmix: I nas TENT vuce vodu iz Dunava

Otkud Dunav kod Obrenovca?
Odgovor na temu

Miljan Mitrović
Profesorkin muz
Passau, Deutschland

Član broj: 17944
Poruke: 6042

+4631 Profil

icon Re: Cunami Opustošio Obalu Japana29.03.2011. u 20:40 - pre 160 meseci
D'oh, lapsus. Izvinjavam se, iz Save, izjednacavao sa Krskom nesot pa pogresio.

burex: Zašto?

Nije jos niko, ali hoce. Po dozimetrima ona dvojca nesrecnika sto su hospitalizovani su iz vode primili oko 2Sv, ako i prezive akutno trovanje tesko ce se izvuci na duze staze. Sto se tice ostalih, svi se povlace trajno iz elektrane kad im dozimetri otkucaju 250mSv ukljucujuci tu i onu 50-ricu.

Sloba je za 12 godina promenio antropološki kod srpskog naroda. On je od jednog naroda koji je bio veseo, pomalo površan, od jednog naroda koji je bio znatiželjan, koji je voleo da vidi, da putuje, da upozna,
od naroda koji je bio kosmopolitski napravio narod koji je namršten, mrzovoljan, sumnjicav, zaplašen, narod koji se stalno nešto žali, kome je stalno neko kriv… - Z.Đinđić
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 17332
Poruke: 3042

+165 Profil

icon Re: Cunami Opustošio Obalu Japana29.03.2011. u 20:54 - pre 160 meseci
mmix: Sto se tice ostalih, svi se povlace trajno iz elektrane kad im dozimetri otkucaju 250mSv ukljucujuci tu i onu 50-ricu.

hmmm, a koliko su dotle "manje" radijacije primili?
Odgovor na temu

Boris Prpic
CodeZen, Cityexpert

Član broj: 2681
Poruke: 2442

ICQ: 195245022

+34 Profil

icon Re: Cunami Opustošio Obalu Japana29.03.2011. u 21:03 - pre 160 meseci
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 17332
Poruke: 3042

+165 Profil

icon Re: Cunami Opustošio Obalu Japana29.03.2011. u 21:07 - pre 160 meseci
da,ali se akumulira zracenje,zato pitam, pretpostavljam (moguce da gresim),da nemaju "akumulacioni brojac" koji pisti kad dodje do 250,vec smao pisti ako je u tom trenu 250 ili vise,ne?

edit:sad vidim da je miljan napisao "dozimer",sto bi upravo ovo bilo
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 17332
Poruke: 3042

+165 Profil

icon Re: Cunami Opustošio Obalu Japana30.03.2011. u 00:36 - pre 160 meseci
Damaged Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant (40 pics) 17 Mar, 2011
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 28980
Poruke: 200

+744 Profil

icon Re: Cunami Opustošio Obalu Japana01.04.2011. u 00:07 - pre 160 meseci
The battle for Fukushima is lost

Published: 31 March, 2011, 07:13
Olesya Khantsevich

­Japan has lost the battle to rescue the Fukushima nuclear reactor, where preventing a large radiation release is practically impossible, conclude Western experts. Meanwhile, Japanese authorities are taking additional measures to prevent a manmade disaster – the European press calls them “desperate.” In particular, they are planning to cover the damaged power generating units with fabric domes. Experts from various countries are urging the creation of an international commission on nuclear safety, which would consult authorities in similar situations and inform the public about health hazards.

The British newspaper The Guardian reported that, with each passing day, the risk of a massive release of radiation at Fukushima is rising.

“The radioactive core in a reactor at the crippled Fukushima nuclear power plant appears to have melted through the bottom of its containment vessel and onto a concrete floor, experts say,” the publication reported. It references America’s leading nuclear expert, Richard Lahey, who headed the safety research for boiling-water reactors at General Electric when the company installed the power generating units at Fukushima. According to him, the major concern is when the fuel reacts with the drywell underneath the concrete floor and releases radioactive gases. The drywell is enclosed in a protective chamber, but it was most likely damaged during the hydrogen explosion.

“It's not going to be anything like Chernobyl, where it went up with a big fire and steam explosion, but it's not going to be good news for the environment,” said Lahey. He advocates creating an international group of nuclear safety experts that could consult the authorities of various countries in emergency situations.

It seems that the concerns of the specialists are being realized. Yesterday, smoke was seen at the nuclear power plant, which also increases the risk of radiation release. The content of radioactive iodine in seawater close to Fukushima was slightly higher than was reported earlier. In an isolated place, located 300 meters from the shore, it exceeded the maximum allowable level by 3,355 times.

The chairman of the board of directors of the power plant’s operating company, Tepco, Tsunehisa Katsumata, told journalists that the first four reactors of the distressed nuclear power plant cannot be repaired, and confirmed that the situation will remain “unstable” throughout the coming weeks. He added that the first four reactors have not yet been brought under control, but specialists “are making maximum efforts to cool them.”

Meanwhile, it became known that the Japanese authorities are trying new measures to prevent the consequences of the accident. It is planned to cover the damaged reactors with domes of special fabric, which should prevent further distribution of radioactive particles. This applies to reactors 1, 3 and 4, the buildings of which were severely damaged in the first days of the catastrophe, when hydrogen explosions periodically occurred inside. However, experts are skeptical of the idea, insisting that the real threat is not posed by radioactive dust, but by the contamination of water, which could seep into the ocean and the ground. Collection of the radioactive water that is being pumped from the turbine halls of the reactors will involve a tank vessel, which will be docked at a pier near the nuclear power plant.

Today, French President Nikolas Sarkozy will arrive in Japan – he will be the first foreign leader to travel to the country since the destructive earthquake and tsunami on March 11. He will express solidarity with the Japanese people and offer the assistance of French Avera specialists, as well as “flex France’s nuclear muscles,” reported the Spanish newspaper El Pais. The United States has also become involved in helping with emergency operations at the nuclear power plant – it sent a shipment of radiation-resistant robots to Japan. Russia’s Foreign Affairs Ministry issued a special address to Russian citizens, in which it asked to abstain from traveling to Japan in connection to the radiation threat.

Meanwhile, the press noted a decline in consumer confidence toward food products from Japan. Foreign companies are refusing to purchase Japanese seafood out of fears of them being exposed to radiation, Hiromi Isa, the trade office director at Japan's Fisheries Agency, said in an interview with Bloomberg. Since March 11, at least 10 orders for the supply of seafood have been recalled, despite the assurances of the Japanese government that they do not pose any threat. Many countries, starting with Australia and ending with the US and Russia, have reduced the import of Japanese seafood after the radiation levels outside of the evacuation zone around Fukushima nuclear power plant were raised. A fall in demand, however, is often psychological in nature, note restaurateurs and vendors.
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