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Član broj: 41095
Poruke: 325

+94 Profil

icon Re: Solarni avion sleteo posle 26 sati14.07.2010. u 18:18 - pre 169 meseci
Krajem šezdesetih su postojali ozbiljni planovi za slanje satelita, lendera i aviona na mars. Misija bi bila jako kratka, avion sa motorom na unutrašnje sagorevanje bi mogao da preleti nekih 3000 km i da ostane u vazduhu (mislim atmosferi) nešto malo preko 30 sati. Odustali su jer su zaključili da je to premalo.

Sa avionom na solarni pogon koji bi imao baterije, par digitalnih kamera, ssd diskova i link ka orbiteru i lenderu, imali bi non stop u atmosferi marsa letelicu koja bi polako sa visine od kilometar - dva mapirala celu površinu.

I na zemlji bi mogao da ima sličnu primenu. Dosta satelita se i bavi posmatranjem raznih aspekata zemlje (deforestacija, šumski požari, migracije životinja, zagađenost reka itd...). Imati flotu aviona na nekih 20-30km, tj. iznad komercijalnih letova je svakako jeftinije od jednog jedinog satelita. Bilo bi interesantno proučiti da li bi veća flota solarnih aviona mogla zameniti manji broj komunikacionih satelita - dakle nešto što se može graditi na kilo i koštati kao automobil više srednje klase.

Ako jedan iridijum satelit ima masu od 680kg, nalazi se na visini od 781km i može da opsluži 1100 poziva (ne kažu kolika je cena jednog satelita, ali se zna da su dali 2,9 milijarde dolara za nove satelite, plus još 492 miliona za lansiranje svega toga), onda je moguće da istu stvar može da uradi veći broj aviona na manjoj visini (i za manje pare). Plus što je mnogo lakše zameniti avion nego satelit.

Što se tiče putnika, nikada neće zameniti komercijalne putničke avione ali je sasvim realno da se pojavi neki električni ultralaki avion ili motorna jedrilica.
Odgovor na temu

Petar dioda

Član broj: 264126
Poruke: 96


+1 Profil

icon Re: Solarni avion sleteo posle 26 sati14.07.2010. u 23:13 - pre 169 meseci
sto se tice solarnih celija za bezvazdusno stanje,gore je sve ekstremno,gore bi isle celije specijalno napravljene nesto kao razvijanje x86 pc procesora,znaci socivo kao kod lasera i usmerivac,zato sto se gore ne moze koristiti princip rasipanja solarne energije po panelu,jer gore postoji veliko uv zracenje i extreme-wave talasi nastali stalnim eksplozijama sunca,to su solarne oluje,ove nase solarne zemaljske celije imaju malo uvelicavajuce staklo,a dalje ne znam,dok za kosmos je potrebno specijalan tehnologija koja uv talase pretvara u elektricnu energiju.
znaci uv talasi stvaraju opekotine i prze,pa i same solarne celije u kosmosu pretvaraju toplotu u energiju,zasto sam napomenuo socivo lasera,zato sto je teperatura kosmosa -300 stepeni,zatim rade se kucista panela od materijala koji izdrzavaju 300 do 500 atmosfera,odnosno 300 do 500 bara.
tako drugari i drugarice,ako ima zenska celjad na ovu temu,da se pozabavimo iskoriscenja solarnog zraka za nase zemaljske domace panele,za gore trebaju specijalne polaroid folije za usmeravanje cisto svetlosnih fotona od laserskog sociva do baze povrsine koja se osvetljava,na silicijumsku povrsinu.
probajte nekad napraviti foto tranzistor,nadjite neki germanijumski stari metalnog kucista i onda turpijom skinite kapicu odozgo,zatim kad ga otvorite zapusite to providnim lepkom ili malim socivom i lepkom,ne sme da dodje do oksidacije,dolazi za 4sata.
nozica baze se sece,a kolektor i emiter se postavljaju u strujno kolo,baza je sada u kucistu tranzistora,na nju padaju fotoni,jos nesto,emiter je uvek minus pol,kod npn tranzistora,a od pnp tranzistora se prave fototranzistori,sa ovom metodom sam se zezao sa dvanaest godina,probajte takvim eksperimentima nesto postici.
Odgovor na temu

Ivan Rajkovic
Software engineer

Član broj: 54774
Poruke: 878

+148 Profil

icon Re: Solarni avion sleteo posle 26 sati16.07.2010. u 21:01 - pre 168 meseci
zato sto je teperatura kosmosa -300 stepeni

Kad smo vec zasli toliko duboko u offtopic, 300 stepeni, ali u kojoj skali?

By international agreement, absolute zero is defined as 0K on the Kelvin scale and as −273.15°C on the Celsius scale.
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 41095
Poruke: 325

+94 Profil

icon Re: Solarni avion sleteo posle 26 sati24.07.2010. u 09:50 - pre 168 meseci
Airbus Solar

Solar power
Solar power is the epitome of renewable energy.

Just recently, The Solar Impulse aircraft, powered only by solar energy, triumphantly completed its first
night and day flight. The ultra light aircraft was airborne for a total of 26 hours, fueled entirely by solar

But there is a limit to solar energy. And the question that leaves
engineers scratching their heads now, is how to make that leap from
the light aircraft we've seen make a major technological breakthrough
today, to fueling the passenger airliners of tomorrow?

If an entire aircraft were to be covered with 100 percent efficient solar
panels, it would still not be enough to sufficiently propel a large
aircraft. Even greatly increasing the output of photo voltaic cells
wouldn't make an airliner fly. In the more immediate future solar
power could provide electricity on board the aircraft once it has
reached altitude.

But who knows what the future will bring!

Izvor: The Future by Airbus - Consumer report
Prikačeni fajlovi
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Član broj: 41095
Poruke: 325

+94 Profil

icon Re: Solarni avion sleteo posle 26 sati01.08.2010. u 10:40 - pre 168 meseci
Cessna Engineering a 100% Electric Aircraft
by Brit Liggett, 07/29/10 filed under: Green Transportation, Renewable Energy

Cessna is flying into the future of aviation ahead of their competitors with plans to build and release a 100% electric aircraft. They’ve coupled with Bye Energy, Inc., a company that specializes in all-electric planes, to build an engine for their proof-of-concept 172 Skyhawk. The company hopes to take off in their first electric model by year end.

The classic Cessna 172 is the quintessential lightweight aircraft — as well as the highest sold plane ever. Cessna has delivered more than 43,000 172 Skyhawk planes in their history, which makes it a perfect place to start for the first commercial all-electric airplane. The Skyhawk is a four-seat, single engine aircraft that was first built in 1956. Only minor changes have been made in its light-weight construction since then and Cessna hopes just to insert an electric propulsion system — where there now is a gas powered one — in their new version.

The companies hope that their joint venture will be in the air by year end and are hopeful that the transition will be quick and easy. With the weight of most aircrafts being a major obstacle in making them run on electric engines, the Cessna Skyhawk seems to be the perfect choice for going green. As the most popular single model in aviation history, Cessna’s move to electricity is a big step for the aviation world. “Cessna’s support of the electric and electric-hybrid program is vital to moving general aviation into the future,” noted George Bye, CEO of Bye Energy. We’re looking forward to these zippy green flyers and hope when they come on board they’ll take a big chunk out of the oil-eating aviation pie.

Izvor: Inhabitat

Ako ovo bude koštalo ispod $60.000, biće to fina mašina.

Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 22809
Poruke: 7536

+401 Profil

icon Re: Solarni avion sleteo posle 26 sati01.08.2010. u 14:38 - pre 168 meseci
Da li je ikad napravljena Cessna koja je koštala toliko? Teško.

U svakom slučaju, ako i bude napravljena, koštaće daleko više nego konvencionalni modeli iste klase. Daj Bože da grešim.

Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 41095
Poruke: 325

+94 Profil

icon Re: Solarni avion sleteo posle 26 sati14.09.2010. u 10:06 - pre 166 meseci
All-electric propulsion technology goes airborne
The innovation is being tested on a Cri-Cri ultra-light aircraft

September 3, 2010

A unique four-engine aircraft has begun flight testing of technologies that could be used in future application of electrical propulsion systems on helicopters, drones and other platforms.

This low-cost testbed is a French Cri-Cri ultra-light aircraft that has been modified for all-electric propulsion – with its two piston engines (typically rated at 9-15 horsepower) replaced by four brushless electrical motors, each powered by a high energy-density Lithium polymer battery.

The all-electric Cri-Cri is fitted with four electric motors, each powered by a high energy-density Lithium Polymer battery, and will be performing aerobatic manoeuvres as part of its flight test programme.

The electric-powered Cri-Cri made its maiden flight late last month in the French city of Royan, and was brought to Le Bourget Airport near Paris this week for its first public demonstration. Its development is the result of a collaboration involving EADS Innovation Works, Aero Composites Saintonge and the Green Cri-Cri Association.

“With the Cri-Cri testbed, we now have a highly innovative system for in-flight evaluations of electric propulsion system components, including batteries, power management controllers and sensors,” explained Emmanuel Joubert, the head of propulsion systems at EADS Innovation Works.

This photo shows the all-electric Cri-Cri following its first public demonstration flight at Le Bourget Airport on 2 September. The propellers on its four electric motors are clearly visible as pilot Didier Esteyne taxis after landing on Runway 03.

In addition, EADS Innovation Works has developed new simulation modelling that will be compared with data gathered during the Cri-Cri flights. This will enable the simulation models to be calibrated against actual flight test results – providing an excellent baseline for EADS Innovation Works’ future design of propulsion systems, he added.

The four Lithium Polymer batteries currently installed on the Cri-Cri testbed provide a combined power total of 22 kW., which is sufficient for takeoff, climb and normal flight, as well as for the planned aerobatic manoeuvres that will be performed later in the test programme.

Developed in a collaboration effort involving EADS Innovation Works, Aero Composites Saintonge and the Green Cri-Cri Association, the all-electric Cri-Cri currently has a flight autonomy of about 20-30 minutes – which is the limit based on currently-available battery technology.

“We hope to extend this flight time with better energy management, along with aerodynamic improvements – but there always will be limitations with today’s electric technology,” Joubert said. “Even in the future, we don’t expect large aircraft such as the A380 to use electric propulsion, but there are logical applications such as the hybrid propulsion concept that EADS has been evaluating for helicopters.”

The Cri-Cri is one of the world’s smallest piloted aircraft, with a wingspan of 4.9 metres and a fuselage length of 3.9 metres. As part of the Cri-Cri testbed’s modification for its all-electric propulsion, lightweight composite structures were introduced to reduce the airframe’s weight in compensation for the Lithium Polymer batteries’ additional weight.

Ona električna cesna sada uopšte ne izgleda nemoguće - veći avion, jači motor i baterije većeg kapaciteta.
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 124980
Poruke: 78


+1 Profil

icon Re: Solarni avion sleteo posle 26 sati21.09.2010. u 19:32 - pre 166 meseci
Bilo bi lepo da se nesto od ovih elektricnih a/c (aviona) napravi za putnicki (komercijalni) saobracaj!

Ipak je kerozin ubica atmosfere, medjutim postavlja se pitanje i bezbednosti, zbog razlicitih faza leta! Zatim tezina baterija koja utice na ukupnu tezinu a/c i na potrosnju, itd...

The basic difference is this: hackers build things, crackers break them.

Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 41095
Poruke: 325

+94 Profil

icon Re: Solarni avion sleteo posle 26 sati04.10.2010. u 10:12 - pre 166 meseci
The solar-powered spy plane that will be able to fly non-stop for FIVE years

By Niall Firth
Last updated at 8:53 AM on 20th September 2010

Boeing is developing a solar-powered unmanned aircraft that will be able to fly non-stop for more than five years.

The SolarEagle is designed to soar in the upper atmosphere for years on end, constantly sending surveillance and intelligence information back to the ground.

Darpa, the US military’s has given Boeing an $89 million contract to develop a Solar Eagle demonstaror vehicle which will make its first flight in 2014.

An artist's impression of the SolarEagle in flight in clouds. The plane will be able to stay aloft for years

During testing, the SolarEagle demonstrator will remain in the upper atmosphere for 30 days, harvesting solar energy during the day that will be stored in fuel cells and used to provide power through the night.

The aircraft will have highly efficient electric motors and propellers and a 400-foot wing for increased solar power and aerodynamic performance.

‘SolarEagle is a uniquely configured, large unmanned aircraft designed to eventually remain on station at stratospheric altitudes for at least five years,’ said Pat O'Neil, Boeing Phantom Works program manager for Vulture II.

‘That's a daunting task, but Boeing has a highly reliable solar-electric design that will meet the challenge in order to perform persistent communications, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance missions from altitudes above 60,000 feet.’

SolarEagle is being developed by Phantom Works, Boeing’s research and development arm.

Phantom Works is also working on a fighter-sized, unmanned, advanced technology demonstrator called Phantom Ray, scheduled to make its first flight in early 2011.

And it is working on a hydrogen-powered demonstrator called Phantom Eye, a High Altitude Long Endurance aircraft designed to stay aloft for up to four days, also scheduled to make its first flight in 2011.

In July a British-designed, solar-powered aircraft to managed to shatter the endurance record for an unmanned plane.

The Zephyr, designed by British defence firm QinetiQ, completed two weeks of non-stop flight above a US Army range in Arizona before finally coming in to land.

heh, a pre par meseci sam pominjao mogućnost da flota ovakvih stvari zameni LEO telekomunikacione satelite.
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 275074
Poruke: 40


+7 Profil

icon Re: Solarni avion sleteo posle 26 sati17.12.2010. u 14:20 - pre 163 meseci
Naravno, imaju baterije! Inače albedo Meseca je jako mali da bi se napajao avion, a solarne ćelije ne mogu da apsorbuju kosmičko zračenje. Inače, planiraju da prelete Planetu u 2011 god. Videti opširnije na .
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