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osnovna fork() funkcija

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Zemlja Serbija

Član broj: 30971
Poruke: 49


icon osnovna fork() funkcija20.08.2009. u 18:15 - pre 180 meseci
Da li neko moze da mi ovim putem objasni korake koji se primenjuju u fork() funkciji ili da me uputi negde gde bih to mogao procitati. Potrebno mi je da implementiram ovu funkciju, s tim da su mi neophodne samo osnovne radnje - pri njenom pozivu pravi se child proces (u mom slucaju Thread) niti za koju se poziva, a child ima identican kontekst kao i roditeljska nit, pri cemu se ne pravi kopija statickih i dinamickih podataka.

Hvala za svaki odgovor ^_^
Have No Fear, Dimmu's Here
Odgovor na temu

Milka Aleksic

Član broj: 70242
Poruke: 18


icon Re: osnovna fork() funkcija20.08.2009. u 20:18 - pre 180 meseci
Stvarno ne znam da li ce ti ovo pomoci ali ga odnekuda imam na kompu pa mozda ti posluzi.
Pozdrav u svakom slucaju.
Inace,ja sam se sa tim sretala negde ali nemogu da se setim gde i kada.
Ako se setim a niko ti ne posalje nesto normalno pisem ti.
Sutra imam ispit pa ondaK Zdravo

A fork() Primer
"Fork", aside from being one of those words that begins to appear very strange after you've typed it repeatedly, refers to the way Unix creates new processes. This document gives a quick and dirty fork() primer, since use of that system call will pop up in other IPC documents. If you already know all about fork(), you might as well skip this document.
"Seek ye the Gorge of Eternal Peril"
fork() can be thought of as a ticket to power. Power can sometimes be thought of as a ticket to destruction. Therefore, you should be careful while messing with fork() on your system, especially while people are cranking their nearly-late semester projects and are ready to nuke the first organism that brings the system to a halt. It's not that you should never play with fork(), you just have to be cautious. It's kind of like sword-swallowing; if you're careful, you won't disembowel yourself.

Since you're still here, I suppose I'd better deliver the goods. Like I said, fork() is how Unix starts new processes. Basically, how it works is this: the parent process (the one that already exists) fork()'s a child process (the new one). The child process gets a copy of the parent's data. Voila! You have two processes where there was only one!

Of course, there are all kinds of gotchas you must deal with when fork()ing processes or else your sysadmin will get irate with you when you fill of the system process table and they have to punch the reset button on the machine.

First of all, you should know something of process behavior under Unix. When a process dies, it doesn't really go away completely. It's dead, so it's no longer running, but a small remnant is waiting around for the parent process to pick up. This remnant contains the return value from the child process and some other goop. So after a parent process fork()s a child process, it must wait() (or waitpid()) for that child process to exit. It is this act of wait()ing that allows all remnants of the child to vanish.

Naturally, there is an exception to the above rule: the parent can ignore the SIGCLD signal and then it won't have to wait(). This can be done (on systems that support it) like this:

signal(SIGCLD, SIG_IGN); /* now I don't have to wait()! */
fork();fork();fork(); /* Rabbits, rabbits, rabbits! */

Now, when a child process dies and has not been wait()ed on, it will usually show up in a ps listing as "<defunct>". It will remain this way until the parent wait()s on it, or it is dealt with as mentioned below.

Now there is another rule you must learn: when the parent dies before it wait()s for the child (assuming it is not ignoring SIGCLD), the child is reparented to the init process (PID 1). This is not a problem if the child is still living well and under control. However, if the child is already defunct, we're in a bit of a bind. See, the original parent can no longer wait(), since it's dead. So how does init know to wait() for these zombie processes?

The answer: it's magic! Well, on some systems, init periodically destroys all the defunct processes it owns. On other systems, it outright refuses to become the parent of any defunct processes, instead destroying them immediately. If you're using one of the former systems, you could easily write a loop that fills up the process table with defunct processes owned by init. Wouldn't that make your sysadmin happy?

Your mission: make sure your parent process either ignores SIGCLD, or wait()s for all the children it fork()s. Well, you don't always have to do that (like if you're starting a daemon or something), but you code with caution if you're a fork() novice. Otherwise, feel free to blast off into the stratosphere.

To summerize: children become defunct until the parent wait()s, unless the parent is ignoring SIGCLD. Furthermore, children (living or defunct) whose parents die without wait()ing for them (again assuming the parent is not ignoring SIGCLD) become children of the init process, which deals with them heavy-handedly.

"I'm mentally prepared! Give me The Button!"
Right! Here's an example of how to use fork():
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>

pid_t pid;
int rv;

switch(pid=fork()) {
case -1:
perror("fork"); /* something went wrong */
exit(1); /* parent exits */

case 0:
printf(" CHILD: This is the child process!\n");
printf(" CHILD: My PID is %d\n", getpid());
printf(" CHILD: My parent's PID is %d\n", getppid());
printf(" CHILD: Enter my exit status (make it small): ");
scanf(" %d", &rv);
printf(" CHILD: I'm outta here!\n");

printf("PARENT: This is the parent process!\n");
printf("PARENT: My PID is %d\n", getpid());
printf("PARENT: My child's PID is %d\n", pid);
printf("PARENT: I'm now waiting for my child to exit()...\n");
printf("PARENT: My child's exit status is: %d\n", WEXITSTATUS(rv));
printf("PARENT: I'm outta here!\n");

There is a ton of stuff to note from this example, so we'll just start from the top, shall we?
pid_t is the generic process type. Under Unix, this is a short. So, I call fork() and save the return value in the pid variable. fork() is easy, since it can only return three things:

If it returns 0, you are the child process. You can get the parent's PID by calling getppid(). Of course, you can get your own PID by calling getpid().

If it returns -1, something went wrong, and no child was created. Use perror() to see what happened. You've probably filled the process table--if you turn around you'll see your sysadmin coming at you with a fireaxe.

Any other value returned by fork() means that you're the parent and the value returned is the PID of your child. This is the only way to get the PID of your child, since there is no getcpid() call (obviously due to the one-to-many relationship between parents and children.)
When the child finally calls exit(), the return value passed will arrive at the parent when it wait()s. As you can see from the wait() call, there's some weirdness coming into play when we print the return value. What's this WEXITSTATUS() stuff, anyway? Well, that is a macro that extracts the child's actual return value from the value wait() returns. Yes, there is more information buried in that int. I'll let you look it up on your own.

"How," you ask, "does wait() know which process to wait for? I mean, since the parent can have multiple children, which one does wait() actually wait for?" The answer is simple, my friends: it waits for whichever one happens to exit first. If you must, you can specify exactly which child to wait for by calling waitpid() with your child's PID as an argument.

Another interesting thing to note from the above example is that both parent and child use the rv variable. Does this mean that it is shared between the processes? NO! If it was, I wouldn't have written all this IPC stuff. Each process has its own copy of all variables. There is a lot of other stuff that is copied, too, but you'll have to read the man page to see what.

A final note about the above program: I used a switch statement to handle the fork(), and that's not exactly typical. Most often you'll see an if statement there; sometimes it's as short as:

if (!fork()) {
printf("I'm the child!\n");
} else {
printf("I'm the parent!\n");

Oh yeah--the above example also demonstrates how to wait() if you don't care what the return value of the child is: you just call it with NULL as the argument.
Now you know all about the mighty fork() function! It's more useful that a wet bag of worms in most computationally intensive situations, and you can amaze your friends at parties. Additionally, it can help make you more attractive to members of the opposite sex, unless you're male.
HPUX man pages
If you don't run HPUX, be sure to check your local man pages!
signal listing

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Copyright © 1997 by Brian "Beej" Hall. This guide may be reprinted in any medium provided that its content is not altered, it is presented in its entirety, and this copyright notice remains intact. Contact [email protected] for more information.
Odgovor na temu

Milka Aleksic

Član broj: 70242
Poruke: 18


icon Re: osnovna fork() funkcija20.08.2009. u 20:19 - pre 180 meseci
Inace,videh da si na pogresnom forumu ali nema veze.\
BA baj
Odgovor na temu

Milka Aleksic

Član broj: 70242
Poruke: 18


icon Re: osnovna fork() funkcija20.08.2009. u 20:22 - pre 180 meseci
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>

pid_t pid;
int rv;

switch(pid=fork()) {
case -1:
/* u slucaju da je doslo do greske pri kreiranju procesa deteta */
exit(1); /* roditeljki proces se gasi */

case 0:
printf(" CHILD: This is the child process!\n");
printf(" CHILD: My PID is %d\n", getpid());
printf(" CHILD: My parent's PID is %d\n", getppid());
printf(" CHILD: Enter my exit status (make it small): ");
scanf(" %d", &rv);
printf(" CHILD: I'm outta here!\n");

printf("PARENT: This is the parent process!\n");
printf("PARENT: My PID is %d\n", getpid());
printf("PARENT: My child's PID is %d\n", pid);
printf("PARENT: I'm now waiting for my child to exit()...\n");
printf("PARENT: My child's exit status is: %d\n", WEXITSTATUS(rv));
printf("PARENT: I'm outta here!\n");
Odgovor na temu

Zemlja Serbija

Član broj: 30971
Poruke: 49


icon Re: osnovna fork() funkcija20.08.2009. u 21:16 - pre 180 meseci
Eh. Hvala na ovome, nadam se da ce da pomogne. Inace, meni treba implementacija u cpp-u pa s obzirom da je ovo ta tema, pa jos za pocetnike, nadao sam se takvom odgovor. Uostalom ovaj odgovor je otprilike ono sto mi treba.

p.s. Srecno na ispitu ;) I meni je ovo za ispit :|

Nesto sto sam ja radio i sto, uzgred, ne radi kako treba, izgleda ovako:

ID Thread::fork(){
    Thread* temp=new Thread(System::running->pcbStackSize, System::running->pcbTimeSlice);
    if(temp->myPCB == NULL){
        return -1;


    static volatile unsigned css,csp,csPoc,oldss,oldsp,oldbp,tsp,tip,tcs;
    unsigned char* tempStack;
    tempStack=new unsigned char[temp->myPCB->pcbStackSize];
        mov tsp,sp

    volatile unsigned tempsp=System::running->sPoc-1;
    unsigned char *tsrc,*tdst;
    tsrc=(unsigned char *)MK_FP(System::running->ss,tempsp);
    tdst=(unsigned char *)MK_FP(css,csp-1);
        //promeni stek
        mov oldss, ss
        mov oldsp, sp
        mov ss, css
        mov sp, csp

        mov sp, bp
        //pop BP
        pop ax
        mov oldbp, ax

        //pop PC (CS:IP), povratak iz fork()
        pop ax
        mov tip, ax
        pop ax
        mov tcs, ax

        //push PSW
        pop ax
        or ax, 1000000000b
        push ax

        //push PC (CS:IP), povratak iz fork()
        mov ax, tcs
        push ax
        mov ax, tip
        push ax

        //push registers
        mov ax, 0
        push ax
        push bx
        push cx
        push dx
        push es
        push ds
        push si
        push di
        mov ax, oldbp
        push ax

        //vrati stek
        mov csp, sp
        mov sp, oldsp
        mov ss, oldss
    return temp->myPCB->id;

Have No Fear, Dimmu's Here
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[es] :: C/C++ programiranje :: C/C++ za početnike :: osnovna fork() funkcija

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