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Google OS? Let's all take a deep breath and get some perspective

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Gojko Vujovic
Amsterdam, NL

Član broj: 1
Poruke: 13651

+165 Profil

icon Google OS? Let's all take a deep breath and get some perspective09.07.2009. u 16:32 - pre 181 meseci

Malo zanimljivog citanja:

Wednesday, July 08, 2009
Let's all take a deep breath and get some perspective

So everyone is worked up about this new browser operating system from Google. Drudge apparently has gone off his meds again and calls it a "death blow" to the Borg. No spinning red light, but still, pretty over the top. I guess it's supposedly going to destroy us too -- like we're some kind of collateral damage. Man oh man. Where to begin?

First of all, nobody seems to appreciate how goddamn hard it is to make an operating system. You don't just wake up one day and fall out of bed and make one. Not even the smarty pants kiddies at Google can do that. These things take years. Decades, even. Ours started out 20 years ago, at NeXT. You could say it goes back to 1977, with the BSD guys. Heck, you could even say it goes back to 1969 with Dennis Thompson and Lionel Ritchie. Even Windows is -- what? Twenty years old? Something like that. For that matter, look at Linux. Correct me if I'm wrong -- and I'm sure you fucking freetards will find something to correct -- but I think Linus Tordalv started working on Linux back in 1991 when he was a high school student in his native Denmark. That's nearly twenty years ago, and the shit still doesn't run right. Point is, whatever Google might release in the second half of next year, it will just be a starting point. It won't come close to what we've got.

Point two: Who in their right mind thinks the world needs yet another desktop operating system? The hacks who are foaming at the mouth about this big threat to Microsoft are the very same halfwits who a couple years back were declaring that the desktop OS was dead, Windows Vista would be the last one ever made, Apple shouldn't bother making any more versions of OS X, blah blah. Now they're saying nope, the world does need more operating systems, especially ones like this that are designed to work extra super specially well on computers that are hooked up to the Internet. Whatever that means.

Point three: They're aiming this OS (or as we call it, "POS") at netbooks, at least at first, and in case you hadn't noticed, the netbook market is fucking tiny and will remain so forever. According to IDC, there were 11 million netbooks sold last year, and by 2013 that figure will hit 39 million. The market for PCs and laptops will be 10 times that size -- literally -- at 400 million units. Smartphones will be over 300 million units. So, um, you guys at Google want to have a dog fight with Microsoft to get a few points of that market? Go have fun. Seriously. Knock yourself out. Frankly, if the entire netbook market caught fire, I wouldn't piss on it to put it out. But that's just me.

Point four: You also may not have noticed, but nobody uses Chrome. I mean think about it. Do you know anyone who uses Chrome? Really? And you know why nobody uses Chrome? Because Chrome is shit. Just utter, utter shit. I mean they've got all these big brains at Google and you'd think they could make a decent fucking browser. Jesus, the freetards at Mozilla can do it. But not Google. Nope. They gave it their big best effort and what did they come up with? Chrome. It's a joke. I mean, literally, we laugh about it, except when Eric is around. But as soon as he leaves the room we all go "Chrome!" and just burst out laughing. Our guys on the Safari team even had special toilet paper made up with a Chrome logo on every sheet. That's how bad it is. Trying to make an OS out of Chrome is like saying you're going to turn a Pontiac Aztek into a stretch limousine. I suppose it could be done, but why?

Point five: What the fuck is going on inside Google? How much more out of control and undisciplined can this place get? How many new goddamn operating systems are they going to create? They've already got Android, and nobody wants it. Now they're going to make yet another operating system, this time out of a browser that nobody wants. What's next? A Gmail-based operating system? A YouTube-based operating system? Honestly, Google, is there anyone in charge over there? Is there anyone who knows how to criticize anything in that fucked up little Montessori preschool of yours? I mean I guess it's nice that you all get to spend 20 percent of your time dreaming up useless shit, and I guess you have to use the Montessori method and tell everyone that whatever little piece of shit they've created is just so wonderful and perfect and beautiful -- but really, as I've told Eric before, that doesn't mean you have to release everything these bozos dream up. There's a word for this. It's called "no." Have you heard of it? I mean, fine, let them fuck around with stuff. Engineers like to tinker. So let them tinker. Then when they bring you whatever it is they've made, first you say you're too busy to meet with them. Then you say you've changed your mind and you will meet with them after all. Then you wait until they're all in the conference room with everything set up, and you send Katie down to tell them that you're going to be a little bit late. You make them wait an hour. Then two hours. Then, at six in the afternoon, you send Katie down to tell them that you've changed your mind again and now you can't make it. Then, finally, you set up another appointment and this time you do meet with them -- but before they can even speak you just look at whatever it is they've made and you say, I'm sorry, that's a piece of shit, and you walk out. Trust me, engineers love this. They're all masochists. That's why they became engineers in the first place.

Point six: It's going to be free. So what's the point? I mean I understand the idea of a loss leader. We don't charge for iTunes. You'll notice, however, that we do charge money for music and hardware. But how does this concept apply to Chrome OS? Somehow if you put out a new operating system you'll get more people using the Internet and then you'll be able to sell more of those shitty little ads? Forgive me if I'm missing something here, but I don't see how a free OS or a free browser helps Google. To put it another way, have you ever met anyone who said they'd really like to try out that Interwebs thing, but they're just put off by the low-quality operating systems and browsers that are available at this time, so they're sitting it out for now? Or like maybe they're on the Internet now but they would just be soooo inclined to spend soooo much more time on the Web, and they'd be soooo much more likely to actually click on the ads, if the OS and browser made it somehow less onerous to, um, type in a URL and go to a page? Nah, the only point in Google giving away a free browser and OS is somehow to fuck up Microsoft. (And/or to do some sneaky shit that helps Google screw users a little bit more efficiently. See Point 8 below.) But on the anti-Microsoft angle, take it from someone who has spent the past 10 years selling a superior operating system and getting only 4 percent market share -- as obsessions go, battling the Borg is waaay overrated. If you ask me, Google is getting a little nutty about the Borg and it's starting to show. They're starting to look like the new Scott McNealy. Remember him? Ran a company called Sun, which had a great little business going until McNealy became obsessed with Gates and started doing things like paying millions of dollars to buy StarOffice so he could get into that booming free software business.

Point seven: The only people who are pushing for this are the hardware OEMs and ODMs and they're only doing it so they can get a bargaining chip on the Borg. They don't want to use Chrome, or Android, or Linux. They want Windows. They just don't want to pay for it. Whatever Microsoft wants to charge for Windows 7, the hardware guys want to pay less. Hang the threat of yet another OS over Ballmer's shiny head and maybe he'll bring down his prices. That, anyway, is the thinking. Happened already in netbooks when they first came out with Linux on the Anus EEEEEPC -- that rang some bells up in Redmond, believe me. So maybe there is some benefit to Google in forcing Microsoft to lower its prices. Maybe by doing that they choke off a little bit of Redmond's oxygen supply, and that makes it a little harder for Microsoft to encroach on Google's search advertising business. Google is pissed about Bing, and the Yahoo stuff. So they splatter back some machine-gun fire at Microsoft's cash cow, the OS business. Fair enough. As DeNiro said, They send one of yours to the hospital, you send one of theirs to the morgue. That's the Chicago way. But if that's your big goal in life, the chance to maybe put a stick in Microsoft's spokes -- well, we've come a long way from the days of Sergey and Larry with stars in their eyes, wanting to make the world a better place. If that's really what gets these guys up in the morning, well, friends, I will pray for your soul. Here at Apple we have better things to do. Like creating new devices that nobody else has ever created before, and restoring a sense of childlike wonder to people's lives. Or inventing whole new multi-billion-dollar markets that didn't exist before. You'd rather just ape the Borg. Well, whatever. Godspeed to you, Google.

Point eight: People are starting to realize that Google is not their friend, and that all this "free stuff" from Google is not about a) philanthropy, or b) keeping Microsoft honest, but really about c) helping Google gain even more control over what you do on the Internet. See a nice piece by John Paczkowski here for an example. You know how we call IBM the Original Borg, or OB? Google is the NB. Really, Google, in case you hadn't noticed, a lot of people are kind of not really liking you guys right now. Even the freetards are starting to turn on you.

So, to reiterate, everything's fine, and there's nothing to worry about. It's nice that Google wants to make more operating systems, and we at Apple don't feel threatened by this, or betrayed by our own board member Eric Schmidt, just as we didn't feel betrayed or threatened by the Android smartphone platform. We welcome competition and think it's just great that Google wants to contribute to advancing the state of the art of personal computing. As Sarah Palin would say, the engineers at Google are ambitionistic about wanting to progress the world, and gosh, ya know what? That's darn good for everyone.

Or, as I just told Eric on the phone a few moments ago: Dear friend, I realize you think I'm weak right now, and maybe a little bit vulnerable, and you may also still be a little bit peeved because even though you're on the board at Apple I didn't tell you about the surgery I was having and instead led you to believe that I had moved to Tennessee because I needed to negotiate some country-western deals for iTunes. Okay. Fair enough. And I know you think you got a lifetime free pass on fucking me over after you and Al Gore bailed me out of that jam with the SEC investigation of the options backdating a couple years back. But, dear friend, enough is enough. You really need to think about what you're doing and who it hurts. Seriously. I mean it. Do some thinking. Meanwhile, for the time being, I've instructed Apple security to revoke your pass at Infinite Loop, and I would really, really, really appreciate it if you would just not call me or come around here anymore. Because if you do, well, I'm just so upset about all this that I might just -- well, honestly, Eric, I'm afraid I couldn't be responsible for what I might do. I will hurt you, Eric. I'm sorry, but I will. Are you feeling me? Because that's how it is. Seriously, bitch. It's over between us. Namaste.

Posted by Steve at 10:37 AM

Odgovor na temu

Daniel Fat
Novi Sad

Član broj: 221732
Poruke: 5

+1 Profil

icon Re: Google OS? Let's all take a deep breath and get some perspective09.07.2009. u 16:57 - pre 181 meseci
Nice flame.
Odgovor na temu

Ivan Dimkovic

Član broj: 13
Poruke: 16696

+7181 Profil

icon Re: Google OS? Let's all take a deep breath and get some perspective09.07.2009. u 17:21 - pre 181 meseci


Google's vanity OS is Microsoft's dream

By Andrew Orlowski

No one will be happier than Microsoft about Google's vanity venture to market computers with a Google-brand OS. It gives us the illusion of competition without seriously troubling either business, although both will obligingly huff and puff about how serious they are about this new, phoney OS war. Since both of these giants are permanently in trouble with antitrust regulators - they're at different stages of IBM-style thirty years legal epics - that's just the ticket for them both.

Google's failure to dent the Microsoft monopoly will simply notch up another failure for Linux (whose fans are quite happy to work for The Man, as long as it's not the Man from Redmond) - and it'll do nothing for consumers. How so? Because the computing problems we'll have tomorrow will still be the same ones we have today.

It's a pity, really. There's certainly a gap in the market for new classes of devices, somewhere between a phone and a full-blown laptop. Pocket communicators with built-in connectivity, and a better keyboard than a phone, could be far preferable to any "converged" device on the market today, even the sainted iPhone.

Think of the old Psion 3 or 5 pocket computer on steroids, offering a lovely QWERTY keyboard for messaging, a screen that's good enough for browsing and a photo album, and small enough to fit in a jacket pocket. Today's netBooks really don't have instant-on yet, nor an optimal UI - and in a pell-mell competitive market where margins are squeezed, they're getting bigger, heavier and more expensive.

But these are both niches, at the end of the day, and don't need Linux underneath.

And because they're niches, they won't seriously challenge Microsoft's hegemony in the desktop market. The idea of a desktop running a thin OS served by the cloud is fine - until you want to do image processing, or make music or videos. You do realise there's more to a PC than updating your Facebook profile, right?

The extent of image processing in the cloud begins and ends with ICanHazCheeseburger. You really can't fault its ability to move the funny caption around - and change its colour! Get back to me when there's real-time video scrubbing, rendering or multiple levels of Undo.

Linux is a fine OS until you get to the applications - ah, yes... GIMP - and integration with the real-world, doing stuff your Mum needs to do. To make Linux n00b-friendly, Google would need to impose Google UI guidelines and do the hard work itself on a range of applications, because the cloud equivalents aren't there and Linux consistently fails to pass the consumer test.

Why you're being conned

There are some clues here that tell us Google really isn't serious about VanityOS - or whatever it decides to call it. Android would have been a much better choice - it's easy for OEMs and ISVs to work with, and developers love the rapid-development cycle of an interpreted language. (Yes, I know you can compile native code that sort-of-works - the beauty is in the development environment.)

Google doesn't really have a lot of faith in its own cloud computing applications if it needs to take a huge multiuser OS and strip out the innards, just as a backup.

After a couple of years of pronouncements we'll be exactly where we are today. Google will still be setting the price for internet advertising thanks to its "black box" psuedo-auction, and Microsoft will still be pre-installed (or pre-warez'd) on almost every desktop in the world.

Large corporations approaching maturity need something to keep them busy, and when they're not angling for pieces of state action, they'll often reach agreements like this. Here, they're inventing "competition". ®

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Tyler Durden
Tyler Durden

Član broj: 4312
Poruke: 3379

+1365 Profil

icon Re: Google OS? Let's all take a deep breath and get some perspective09.07.2009. u 19:34 - pre 181 meseci
Ovi clanci bi bili vrlo dobri da nemaju toliko izrazen flame i smartass prizvuk.
Beneath civilization's fragile crust, cold chaos churns...
Odgovor na temu

System Administrator

Član broj: 14552
Poruke: 257

+3 Profil

icon Re: Google OS? Let's all take a deep breath and get some perspective09.07.2009. u 20:03 - pre 181 meseci
Zanimljivo je da su i MS i Apple advokati krenuli sa FUD-om tako rano :)
Cak je i Ubnutu/Canonical poceo da stiska panic button.

Glupo je ista predvidjati dok se ne pojavi nesto konkretnije, jer oni u svom zvanicnom saopstenju nisu rekli ama bas nista.

Odgovor na temu

Ivan Dimkovic

Član broj: 13
Poruke: 16696

+7181 Profil

icon Re: Google OS? Let's all take a deep breath and get some perspective09.07.2009. u 20:15 - pre 181 meseci
Sta znam, Orlowski nije bas nesto flame-ovao koliko vidim, pre bih rekao da je ocena realna.

MIslim, pogledati Chrome browser... nije bas da su ljudi / OEMi pojurili da zamene Firefox ili IE sa njim, a da ne pricamo o tome koliko je teze zameniti OS nego browser...

Ono sto je fakat je da tech mediji (i ne samo oni) dozivljavaju orgazam (googasm) svaki put kad Google nesto najavi/izbaci, iako vecina stvari od Google-a spada u najobicnije zanimacije i zezalice, osim njihove pretrage i reklama.

DigiCortex (ex. SpikeFun) - Cortical Neural Network Simulator: Videos: Gallery:
PowerMonkey - Redyce CPU Power Waste and gain performance! -
Odgovor na temu

System Administrator

Član broj: 14552
Poruke: 257

+3 Profil

icon Re: Google OS? Let's all take a deep breath and get some perspective09.07.2009. u 20:20 - pre 181 meseci
a da ne pricamo o tome koliko je teze zameniti OS nego browser...

To sam i ja mislio dok nisam zapravo pokusao

Koliko si ti muke imao kada si prelazio sa Viste na Win 7 ? Jako malo vrlo / nimalo verovatno.
Ja sam probao da predjem sa FF (na kome koristim 10+ extenzija) na Safari. To se zavrsilo u suzama.
Ne veruj meni na rec, probaj i sam
Odgovor na temu

Ivan Dimkovic

Član broj: 13
Poruke: 16696

+7181 Profil

icon Re: Google OS? Let's all take a deep breath and get some perspective09.07.2009. u 20:58 - pre 181 meseci

Koliko si ti muke imao kada si prelazio sa Viste na Win 7 ? Jako malo vrlo / nimalo verovatno.

Ovo bas i nije merodavno - razlika izmedju Viste i Win 7 je minimalna.

Pricamo o prelasku na potpuno drugaciji OS, potpuno drugaciji UI - ljudima je i prelazak sa XP-a na Vistu bio (i jeste i dalje) problem a kamo li prelazak na neki linuxoidni OS sa Google aplikacijama.

DigiCortex (ex. SpikeFun) - Cortical Neural Network Simulator: Videos: Gallery:
PowerMonkey - Redyce CPU Power Waste and gain performance! -
Odgovor na temu

Ivan Bulatovic

Član broj: 151351
Poruke: 4563


+104 Profil

icon Re: Google OS? Let's all take a deep breath and get some perspective09.07.2009. u 21:12 - pre 181 meseci

but I think Linus Tordalv started working on Linux back in 1991

Tesko da je type'o pa sam u nastavku tekst citao pazljivo :D

Cini mi se da jedna stvar stoji a to je da OEM-i trljaju ruke i ocekuju da ce MS spustiti cenu windows-a. Ne mislim da google-ov os predstavlja neku pretnju windows-u, moguci je medijski hype ali nista vise od toga...
make love - !war
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 5045
Poruke: 601

ICQ: 454238854

+3 Profil

icon Re: Google OS? Let's all take a deep breath and get some perspective09.07.2009. u 22:01 - pre 181 meseci
Zanimljivo je da se Chroma za Linux nešto često apdejtuje ovoh dana, svaki dan takoreći.
Izgleda da su netbook računari prvi hardver koji će gađati ChromeOS.

Evo još malo reakcija:

JULY 08, 2009
PC makers already working with Google on new Chrome OS

Evo i najave na google blogu

i na Chrome blogu, FAQ

Is Google Chrome OS free? Yes – Google Chrome OS is an open source project and will be available to use at no cost.

Bar će biti zanimljivo videti kako će Google pokušati da uradi ono što Asus nije uspeo sa EEEPc pričom.

[Ovu poruku je menjao drbogi dana 09.07.2009. u 23:31 GMT+1]
Odgovor na temu

Goran Dukić

Član broj: 1491
Poruke: 981


+8 Profil

icon Re: Google OS? Let's all take a deep breath and get some perspective10.07.2009. u 00:52 - pre 181 meseci
Stator: Zanimljivo je da su i MS i Apple advokati krenuli sa FUD-om tako rano
Cak je i Ubnutu/Canonical poceo da stiska panic button.

Glupo je ista predvidjati dok se ne pojavi nesto konkretnije, jer oni u svom zvanicnom saopstenju nisu rekli ama bas nista.

Šta ćeš, uplašili se ljudi da će neko da im drma kavez, pa kevću unapred.

Ne kažem da Google jednog dana neće zaista konkurisati Microsoftu sa operativnim sistemom za deskop tržište, ali taj dan nije baš tako blizu kao što su neki panično pomislili.

2008. Android (mobilni telefoni)
2010. Chrome OS (netbookovi)
? Google OS (desktop računari)

Odgovor na temu

Ivan Bulatovic

Član broj: 151351
Poruke: 4563


+104 Profil

icon Re: Google OS? Let's all take a deep breath and get some perspective10.07.2009. u 07:57 - pre 181 meseci
Za mobilne i netbook-ove ajde da kazes da mozda imaju neku perspektivu. Ali za desktop racunare cisto sumnjam da ce da se probiju, ako bude baziran na linux-u u stvari sta ce on biti osim "google apps and services oriented yet another distro"
make love - !war
Odgovor na temu

Milan Jovanovic
Beograd RS / Aurora IL

Član broj: 2557
Poruke: 353


+17 Profil

icon Re: Google OS? Let's all take a deep breath and get some perspective10.07.2009. u 08:13 - pre 181 meseci
@Gojko tekst je kvalitetna zejbancija... Ovo je nešto u Mike Strutter fazonu

[Ovu poruku je menjao Sir_Oliver dana 10.07.2009. u 09:26 GMT+1]
Odgovor na temu

Ivan Dimkovic

Član broj: 13
Poruke: 16696

+7181 Profil

icon Re: Google OS? Let's all take a deep breath and get some perspective10.07.2009. u 09:26 - pre 181 meseci

PC makers already working with Google on new Chrome OS

Pa PC makers su uvek vrlo radi da pokusaju da povecaju svoj profit :) Radili su oni i sa Linuxom za netbook-ove pre godinu i nesto dana, ali su vrlo brzo ukapirali da to nije pametno.

Ja cenim da je taj Google OS jos jedna Google zajebancija (moraju na nesto da trose pare od reklama) - bas kao i Chrome, pokupice nesto trzista, 1-2% max, neke kompanije / operateri ce nuditi svoje netbooke sa Google OS-om, a vecina korisnika koji ih kupe ce instalirati nesto drugo preko toga i to je to...

Nije ovo ni prvi, a ni poslednji put da neka velika kompanija pokusava da izmisli toplu vodu - ne vidim po cemu je Google uopste drugaciji od svih ostalih propalih pokusaja, osim medijskog coverage-a, ali to samo po sebi tesko da moze da bude dovoljno da motivise ljude da menjaju svoje navike.

Mislim - pogledati Android... toliko buke, ni oko cega... Znam samo jednu osobu koja je kupila taj androidni telefon od HTC-a - i to samo zato sto se lozi... telefon je besmisleno velik i nezgrapan i zaista ne znam nista sta taj android OS nudi a da obican telefon ne moze da uradi.

DigiCortex (ex. SpikeFun) - Cortical Neural Network Simulator: Videos: Gallery:
PowerMonkey - Redyce CPU Power Waste and gain performance! -
Odgovor na temu

Nedeljko Stefanović

Član broj: 314
Poruke: 8632

+2791 Profil

icon Re: Google OS? Let's all take a deep breath and get some perspective10.07.2009. u 10:50 - pre 181 meseci
Nisam imao iskustva sa netbocima, ali me zanima, obzirom da je to u osnovi osakaćeni PC, kakve su šanse da jedan netbok OS metastazira u ozbiljan PC desktop OS.
Nije bitno koji su zaključci izvučeni, već kako se do njih došlo.
Odgovor na temu

Novi Sad

Član broj: 19139
Poruke: 411


icon Re: Google OS? Let's all take a deep breath and get some perspective10.07.2009. u 13:07 - pre 181 meseci
Za mobilne i netbook-ove ajde da kazes da mozda imaju neku perspektivu. Ali za desktop racunare cisto sumnjam da ce da se probiju, ako bude baziran na linux-u u stvari sta ce on biti osim "google apps and services oriented yet another distro"

da li si mislio na ovako nesto ?

taj distro sa gornjeg linka sam odavno video....
Odgovor na temu

Srđan Pavlović
Specijalna Edukacija i Rehabilitacija MNRO
Vojvodina, Bačka Palanka

Član broj: 139340
Poruke: 5571


+382 Profil

icon Re: Google OS? Let's all take a deep breath and get some perspective10.07.2009. u 15:38 - pre 181 meseci
Pare od NT kernel-a ce se izmuzati jos sigurno bar deceniju.
Nece M$ da puti tu kravu da rikne tek tako. Integrisace oni sve
zive features u svoj Desktop OS, samo da se NT muze koliko god jos moze.

Mislim, samo im jos treba situacija da MORAJU da prave nesto novo...

Ja svakako ne vidim nista lose u tome da Google da neko svoje resenje
za nesto, jer ako kvalitet bude u rangu pretrazivaca, ili google-eartha, ja
nemam nista protiv :) neke stvari ubodu i odrade odlicno.

A i nekako volim kad je stvar open source, draze mi je.

Mada to i ako krene, taj njihov OS ce da bude BETA jedno 5 godina :D
Evo, jos cekam Chrome Final za Linux... mozda je vec i izasao, a da i ne
znam, nesto slabo imam potrebu da se zanimam pored odlicnog FF 3.5 :)
Odgovor na temu

Ivan Bulatovic

Član broj: 151351
Poruke: 4563


+104 Profil

icon Re: Google OS? Let's all take a deep breath and get some perspective10.07.2009. u 15:45 - pre 181 meseci

Naravno, cak kad se pojavio gOS spekulisalo se da se radi o google-ovom proizvodu... A iza ubuntu sa Enlightment-om... :D
make love - !war
Odgovor na temu

Srđan Pavlović
Specijalna Edukacija i Rehabilitacija MNRO
Vojvodina, Bačka Palanka

Član broj: 139340
Poruke: 5571


+382 Profil

icon Re: Google OS? Let's all take a deep breath and get some perspective10.07.2009. u 16:05 - pre 181 meseci
and Microsoft will still be pre-installed (or pre-warez'd) on almost every desktop in the world.

Haha, dobar je :)
Odgovor na temu

Ivan Dimkovic

Član broj: 13
Poruke: 16696

+7181 Profil

icon Re: Google OS? Let's all take a deep breath and get some perspective10.07.2009. u 16:52 - pre 181 meseci
Problem sa tim "cloud" svetom i idejom da ce "cloud" da zameni lokalne aplikacije kod e end-usera je vrlo prost.

Prosle godine je BBC pustio iPlayer, iltii mogucnost da pratite TV program preko neta... ubrzo zatim su britanski ISP-ovi krenuli da kukaju kako ce bankrotirati jerbo nisu uracunali toliki protok kod njihovih tzv "neogranicenih paketa" i da takav biznis model ne moze biti odrziv (onda bi cena MB-a postala i te kako komercijalna za end-usere - i, ne, ona nije "FREE")

Kada bi svaka susa krenula ceo dan da bleiji po nekim bogatim High-Def onlajn servisima, da online edituje fotografije, uploaduje i online-edituje svoje stupidne video klipove, koristi online UI-rich aplikacije i gleda online TV znate sta bi se desilo?

Katastrofa - eto sta, ISP-ovi danas imaju preko 100:1 stepene preprodavanja svojih linkova.... Danasnji biznis model od par desetina EUR za neograniceni multimegabitni saobracaj jednostavno ne bi opstao ni momenat - onda bi krenuli da naplacuju po gigabajtu, a onda cela ta "cloud" prica za end-usere pocinje da ima mnoogo manje smisla.

Google je i te kako to vec namirisao pa pokusavaju da grade svoje >direktne< linkove do vecih svetskih ISP-ova, kako bi se sprecila katastrofa... sa druge strane, nisam bas uveren u validnost takvog biznisa - mozda Google to moze da uradi, ali ostale firme koje nude aplikacije - jako tesko.

Tako da... cenim da ce lokalni sadrzaj i "thick" klijent PC i dalje biti duuuuuugo vremena standard. Moja PCIe magistrala ima bandwidth od nekoliko GB u sekundi, moj SSD ispumpava 250 MB/s... zasto bi kog djavola degradirao sve to na neke latencije od par stotina milisekundi i protoke od po par MB/s... - da ne pricamo o tome da sam onda zavistan od internet konekcije??

DigiCortex (ex. SpikeFun) - Cortical Neural Network Simulator: Videos: Gallery:
PowerMonkey - Redyce CPU Power Waste and gain performance! -
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