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intel and mac - together?!

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Miloš Mirić

Član broj: 209
Poruke: 97


+2 Profil

icon intel and mac - together?!03.06.2005. u 00:43 - pre 231 meseci
Jel neko cuo za ovo?
Mislim da sam nabaso na ovo u sk kod nekog drugara, i da sam negde na netu video.
Ako neko zna bih zahvalan na info-u?
Today dreams becomes reality, but reality is just another big dream.
Odgovor na temu

dejan djordjevic

Član broj: 43291
Poruke: 527


icon Re: intel and mac - together?!03.06.2005. u 07:07 - pre 231 meseci
da pricaju pricaju
ali najverovatnije o drugim cipovima za druge uredjaje tipa za ipod itd.
ako bi apple presao na intel proc za svoje kompjutere to bi sigurno bio pocetak kraja.pre ce biti sto svi kazu (analiticari) da apple plasi ibm kao sto je i ranije plasio motorolu povodom g4 proc.
powerpc se ne zove bez razloga power :)
@#$#$%## intel!
Odgovor na temu

Dragan Milić

Član broj: 52025
Poruke: 237

+3 Profil

icon Re: intel and mac - together?!04.06.2005. u 02:24 - pre 231 meseci

Pa, videćemo u ponedeljak, odnosno po našem vremenu verovatno u utorak.

Update Zaboravih, članak ima dosta grešaka/netačnosti u vezi Mac OS X-a, pa me navodi da spada u već dosadna medijska naglabanja o ovoj temi, ali ko zna...
Odgovor na temu

Bojan Nastic

Član broj: 12041
Poruke: 895

+4 Profil

icon Re: intel and mac - together?!04.06.2005. u 06:15 - pre 231 meseci
Na prve vesti i shpekulacije (u WSJ-u) berza je reagovala skokom Apple-ovih akcija za 5.9%. Shto ce reci, da nije ogromnih prepreka (poput gomile koda koji bi mora da se rekompajlira ili nanovo napishe), veliki igrachi se slazhu da Apple treba da se okrene Intelu (redovnije isporuke i nizha cena) kako bi bolje konkurisao Dell-u. IBM glumi nezainteresovanost, navodno zato shto je vec obebedio da PowerPC pokrece sve tri konzole nove genracije (iz MS-a, Sony-a i Nintendo-a), mada gubitak velike mushterije sigurno ne bi bio prijatan.

Celu scenu je mozhda najbolje opisao analitichar iz Envisioneering-a : "To je kao kada bi se Ferrari okrenuo BMW-ovim motorima".
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 18300
Poruke: 641


+12 Profil

icon Re: intel and mac - together?!04.06.2005. u 17:25 - pre 231 meseci
No more mysteries: Apple's G5 versus x86, Mac OS X versus Linux

Date: June 3rd, 2005
Author: Johan De Gelas

It is a professional 64 bit Dream machine with supersonic speed! It is beautiful. It is about the ultimate user friendliness. It is about a lifestyle. It is a class apart. You guessed it - I am parroting Apple’s marketing.

For some reason, the performance of Apple’s gorgeous machines has been wrapped in a shroud of mystery. Yes, you could find a benchmark here and there, with one benchmark showing that the PowerMac is just a mediocre PC while another shows it off as a supercomputer, the unchallenged king of the personal computer world.

na linku:

Pa ako neko moze da mi malko pojasni ovo. Istina (sramota) ili sta?
Svako ima pravo na mišljenje a ima budala koje se tim pravom i koriste.
Odgovor na temu

dejan djordjevic

Član broj: 43291
Poruke: 527


icon Re: intel and mac - together?!05.06.2005. u 06:22 - pre 231 meseci
do konferencije u ponedeljak je ostalo vrlo malo vremena.svi sajtovi sa tracevima su u pravoj kulminaciji spekulacija apple i intel halabuke.
jedni kazu ne jedni kazu da.
da li ce se preci na intel?da li ce se preci ali ce intel praviti powerpc procesore?
ovo je ispala prava misterija.
ja mislim da bi prelazak na x86 bio suvise velika promena i da bi tranzicija bila vrlo osetna na prodaju apple proizvoda i na njihov market share.
da intel pravi powerpc procesore?ko zna ali ideja nije toliko radikalna odnosno sigurno ne bi imala takvog efekta kao prva ideja.
koliko su samo svi trubeli svojevremeno kako apple izbacuje g5 powerbook pa nista nije ispalo do danas od toga.
izgleda da je jedino resenje sacekati keynote i cuti from the horses mouth!
ja se nadam da su minimalno x86 tracevi samo tracevi a za ostalo mi je iskreno svejedno.
Odgovor na temu

Bojan Nastic

Član broj: 12041
Poruke: 895

+4 Profil

icon Re: intel and mac - together?!05.06.2005. u 10:03 - pre 231 meseci
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Igor Marinović
Manufaktura doo Internet inženjering

Član broj: 18090
Poruke: 642

ICQ: 7715569


icon Re: intel and mac - together?!05.06.2005. u 14:47 - pre 231 meseci
Videcemo sta ce sutra reci Steve Jobs na svom izlaganju. Macrumors pise dosta o ovoj temi, a ThinkSecret (sve je pogodio za prethodno izlaganje!) mudro cuti.

Odgovor na temu

Marko Simendic

Član broj: 43005
Poruke: 61

ICQ: 260306390


icon Re: intel and mac - together?!05.06.2005. u 17:02 - pre 231 meseci
Da, primedba za advocacy je potpuno tačna. :) Što se tiče Intel-Apple priče, videćemo uskoro šta će biti od toga. Ne bih imao ništa protiv da ovakva saradnja rezultuje nižim cenama i, novim (RISC) procesorima veće brzine. Eventualni prelazak na x86 bi bio greška. Nekako sam uvek smatrao RISC arhitekturu stabilnijom, ako ne uvek i bržom. Mada, verujem da Džobs zna šta radi... Rekompajlirati tolike programe bi zaista bio PIA. :)
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 30468
Poruke: 292


icon Re: intel and mac - together?!05.06.2005. u 23:14 - pre 231 meseci
open step je i radio na raznim procesorima (platformama) - Intel, Motorola, SPARC and HP-PARISC

samo nemojte da mislite da jeftiniji procesor znači niža cena za potrošače ;)

Stay In Tune
Odgovor na temu

Miloš Mirić

Član broj: 209
Poruke: 97


+2 Profil

icon Re: intel and mac - together?!06.06.2005. u 01:27 - pre 231 meseci
joooj, mislim da me je samo glava zabolela od gledanja tolikih insajdera i vesti...

A sto se tice prelaska, pa sad... definitivno nisam za to, zato sto onda se gubi sav taj,
powerpc osecaj ~~~ nije mi jasno kako neko moze da kaze da nije vazno sta je unutra
samo da ide???...
Today dreams becomes reality, but reality is just another big dream.
Odgovor na temu

Marko Simendic

Član broj: 43005
Poruke: 61

ICQ: 260306390


icon Re: intel and mac - together?!06.06.2005. u 01:41 - pre 231 meseci
Sundance: Profesionalni argument, nema šta :)

Ne nego stvar izbora i potreba. No, zaista ne trebalo hraniti trolove, zar ne?
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 7510
Poruke: 2559


icon Re: intel and mac - together?!06.06.2005. u 01:48 - pre 231 meseci
Dakle, nisi ni negirao validnost onih testova, pa pretpostavljam da ih držiš za pouzdane.

Marko Simendic: Ne nego stvar izbora i potreba.

Pa lijepo sam te pitao na osnovu čega misliš da je RISC _stabilniji_ (nikad nisam iskreno ni čuo za kategoriju STABILNOST neke arhitekture procesora, ali valjda ti znaš :) i brži u odnosu na x86 CPU iste cijene.

To si ti rekao, i ja tražim da elaboriraš.

Ako ne znaš:

No, zaista ne trebalo hraniti trolove, zar ne?

Ad hominem argumenti i jesu sve što ti preostaje :)

Odgovor na temu

Novi Sad

Član broj: 35112
Poruke: 167



icon Re: intel and mac - together?!06.06.2005. u 01:54 - pre 231 meseci
slazem se sa CrazyCode, mislim.. kakav je to mac, na x86.. nije to vise mac .. to je onda jednostavno x86 konfiguracija.. ko i svaka druga.. u lepsem kucistu.. sa drugim operativnim sistemom.. a kad su vec na x86, Apple bi mogao da dumpuje.. i MacOS ( ne kazem da je los ) i lepo odradi neki shell za win ( u saradnji sa MS-om ) koji ce ceo da izgleda kao MacOS X.. i ode Macintosh u zaborav...
Sobe, apartmani u Crnoj Gori
Odgovor na temu

Dragan Milić

Član broj: 52025
Poruke: 237

+3 Profil

icon Re: intel and mac - together?!06.06.2005. u 09:20 - pre 231 meseci
Sundance:Pa sad, ne možeš negirati da su Appleovi "testovi" u kojima koristi Pentiume sa isključenim HT i SSE, a G5 sa specijalnom optimiziranom bibliotekom za pristup memoriji totalna bruka i amaterizam za bilo koga tko misli da je Mac superioran PC-u, te da baca novo svjetlo na sve što Apple propagira svojim fanaticima, ovaj mušterijama :)

Da li imaš problema sa čitanjem, ili sa razumevanjem onoga što sam napisao? Ko je, gde i šta negirao? Imaš lepo u Advocacy gotovo istu temu sa malo drugačijim nazivom, idi tamo pa očekuj one koji su spremni za "argumentovanu" raspravu sa tobom ("moja Gorenje mašina se brže vrti od tvoje Candy"). Pa da, pokušao si, ali se niko nije primio, izgleda malo tvrđi orah od Linux-ovaca. Na žalost, počeli su da se primaju ovde. Moderator bi trebao ovu temu da "moderira", a ne da i sam pada u vatru.

Pozdrav od nesrećnog fanatika.
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 30468
Poruke: 292


icon Re: intel and mac - together?!06.06.2005. u 09:21 - pre 231 meseci
ocena u tekstu je da apple nije za server,
mislim da smo zaboravili
da je supercomputer sa 1100 Xservera (sedmi na list)
(mmmmm, )
oduvao 2500 DELL PowerEdge 1750, P4 Xeon 3.06 GHz, Myrinet
šesti je Hp, za nijansu jač,i ali sa 8196 procesora

mada konferencija i jeste da malo ćaskamo i trućamo
ali ja ne verujem da je ljubiši (i meni) toliko neophodan kućni mysql server koji opslužuje 50 korisnika,

ne želim da ulazim u stručnost ljudi koji su uradili experiment
ali očigledno je da onaj kome je server potreban, zna da ga i podesi


stavi samo Norton Systemworks na računar pa od Xeona dobiješ PII

Stay In Tune
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 2417
Poruke: 315

+1 Profil

icon Re: intel and mac - together?!06.06.2005. u 18:18 - pre 231 meseci
Bas me zanima sta ce se desiti na WWDC-u.
Mislim da nemaju prenos keynote-a uzivo ali macrumors ima insajdera :)
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 2417
Poruke: 315

+1 Profil

icon Re: intel and mac - together?!06.06.2005. u 18:41 - pre 231 meseci
ode Mac na Intel procesore.
Glasine su bile istinite ...
Odgovor na temu

Dragan Milić

Član broj: 52025
Poruke: 237

+3 Profil

icon Re: intel and mac - together?!06.06.2005. u 18:49 - pre 231 meseci
Evo malo...

Jobs introduces Wolfram's CEO, who said they ported Mathematica 5 to Intel-based Macs in 2 hours. Working version in 20 hours. [10:40 am]

Widget/Scripts/Java --> Just work. Cocoa --Xcode (tweaks, recompile) --> A few days. Carbon - Xcode (twek, recompile) --> A few weeks. Carbon Apps --Metroweks -- Jobs says to transfer to Xcode. Over half of 100 developers using Xcode. Nex Xcode 2.1 delivered today. News Xcode generates a single "universal binary" that supports both processors. Available to everybody at registration desk following the keynote. [10:37 am]

Mac OS X has been leading secret double life. Every Mac project build for Intel and PowerPC and Intel. Every release of Mac OS X has been built for both Intel and PowerPC-based Macs. For the last 5 years. Mac OS X is cross-platform by design. Apple's demo is on an Intel-based system. Jobs shows all Mac OS X Tiger features are already compatible with Intel-based processors. Not done yet. Will put into the developer hands to help Apple finish it. [10:32 am]

Two major transitions for Mac: 68K to PowerPC. Next Mac OS 9 to Mac OS X. Now time for third transition. Transition to Intel-based Macs. Developers Now. Next year for users. "Because we want to make the best computers for our customers." No G5 PowerBook yet. Future products can't be build on IBM of PowerPC. Intel has performance and better performance per watt. Intel delivers much better performance per watt. Starting next year the first Macs with Intel processors. Shipping by next WWDC. Mostly complete by 2007 WWDC. Complete by the end of 2007. Two-year transition. [10:28 am]

izvor:, live coverage na vrhu strane.
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 2417
Poruke: 315

+1 Profil

icon Re: intel and mac - together?!06.06.2005. u 18:51 - pre 231 meseci
Ovo je sa Macnn-a:

Rosetta is a dymanic binary translator. Runs PowerPC code on Intel-baesd Macs. Transparent to users. Pretty fast. Jobs demos Rosetta used to run PowerPC macs on Intel-based Macs. Jobs shows Microsoft Excel/Word running on Intel-based Mac (without any porting and/or recompiling). Jobs also shows Photoshop CS2 with all plugins that are translated and run on Intel-based Mac without significant speed decrease. [10:46 am]

Jobs introduces Wolfram's CEO, who said they ported Mathematica 5 to Intel-based Macs in 2 hours. Working version in 2 hours flat. Only about 20 lines of code changed. [10:40 am]

Widget/Scripts/Java --> Just work. Cocoa --Xcode (tweaks, recompile) --> A few days. Carbon - Xcode (twek, recompile) --> A few weeks. Carbon Apps --Metroweks -- Jobs says to transfer to Xcode. Over half of 100 developers using Xcode. Nex Xcode 2.1 delivered today. News Xcode generates a single "universal binary" that supports both processors. Available to everybody at registration desk following the keynote. [10:37 am]

Mac OS X has been leading secret double life. Every Mac project build for Intel and PowerPC and Intel. Every release of Mac OS X has been built for both Intel and PowerPC-based Macs. For the last 5 years. Mac OS X is cross-platform by design. Apple's demo is on an Intel-based system. Jobs shows all Mac OS X Tiger features are already compatible with Intel-based processors. Not done yet. Will put into the developer hands to help Apple finish it. [10:32 am]

Two major transitions for Mac: 68K to PowerPC. Next Mac OS 9 to Mac OS X. Now time for third transition. Transition to Intel-based Macs. Developers Now. Next year for users. "Because we want to make the best computers for our customers." No G5 PowerBook yet. Future products can't be build on IBM of PowerPC. Intel has performance and better performance per watt. Intel delivers much better performance per watt. Starting next year the first Macs with Intel processors. Shipping by next WWDC. Mostly complete by 2007 WWDC. Complete by the end of 2007. Two-year transition. [10:28 am]

Panther 49%..Tiger 16%..Jaguar 25%....early 5%...Expecting Tiger to grow 50% of base by same time next year. Apple has released 5 major versions of OS in last 5 years, while Microsoft has released one (XP). Leopard, next major relase of Mac OS X, due at the end of 2006, alongside Longhorn release. [10:26 am]

Apple this week says it will deliver the 2,000,000 copy of Mac OS X Tiger. In under 6 weeks since its released. 400 dashboard widgets available since it is released. Jobs demos a few Dashboard widgets. [10:21 am]

Jobs touts Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger. One billion copies of QuickTime shipped. QuickTime 7 preview available for Windows today. Jobs quotes various glowing media reviews of Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger, highlighting Spotlight. [10:18 am]

Mac doing very well. PC growth rate is around 10% today . 9 months ago Mac growth rate took off. [10:16 am]

Apple will build in Podcasting support into iTunes. Easy/quick listing of Podcasts right into iTunes. Subscribe podcasts, download old podcasts. Jobs demos Adam Curry podcast. Artwork in iTunes window changes as you scrub podcasts. Jobs said that new iTunes would take podcasting mainstream. [10:16 am]

End of last quarter 16 million iPods sold. 76% marketshare of all MP3 players. 430M sonds sold and downloaded. 82 percent iTunes marketshare in the month of May. Podcasting is exploding. "TiVo for Radio." "Wayne's World for radio." Hottest thing going for Radio. Over 8,000 podcasts right now and growing very fast. [10:12 am]

Apple shows retail video. 109 stores. 1 million visitors per week. Retail/Online stores have sold half a billion in products. "Best Buying Experience in the World" [10:07 am]

3800 attendees. largest in last decade. 45 countries including China. 110 lab sessions. 400+ entries for Appple Design Awards. Over half-a-million ADC members. 109 stores. 1 million visitors per week. Retail/Online stores have sold half a billion in products. [10:07 am]

9:55 am PT. Live Keynote coverage begins soon.

9:20 am PT. Testing Service.

Event begins at 10 am PT. Please check back soon.

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[es] :: Mac hardware :: intel and mac - together?!

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